Reepham & Wensum Valley Team Churches - at the Heart of the Community

Words of Light and Hope from Sue Page (LLM)

Words of Light and Hope from Sue Page LLM

“A Christian is one who points at Christ and says, ” I  can’t prove a thing, but there’s something about his eyes and his voice. There’s something about the way he carries his head, his hands, the way he carries his cross-the way he carries me Frederick Buechner.”

Prayer for all Deacons and Priests to be ordained this weekend
God before, God within and God beyond our words;
Shape what we think this day;
Sharpen what we say;
Shield those we love;
Shelter us, whatever comes our way;
Shoulder our sin and our burdens;
And show us how to be your disciples
Each and every day.
For Your Name’s sake. Amen

A Priest at Prayer
From prayer to prayer involves
a dwindling, a way of being
that accounts for weariness, a regular
drawing in and letting out of breath;
the planting of a word and its forgetting,
a close examination of what is there until it isn’t, a candle flame beating air
love meeting Love before the house wakes up;
space body-shaped, time vacated,
the passive tense, a waiting to receive,
out-of-bounds of what is right
or wrong, subject to being surprised
by God on briefest sight.
David Scott

How we can be Generous

We believe that when we share food with the hungry, we share food with You.

We believe that when we share drink with the thirsty, we share drink with You.

We believe that when we welcome the stranger, we are blessed by Your Presence.

We believe that when we take care of the sick and visit the prisoner, we become Your community of love.

We believe that when we work on changing unjust systems, we work to build Your kingdom on earth.

From ‘Affirmation of faith (after Matthew 25:35–40)’ by Urzula Glienecke
Urzula Glienecke is a Latvian theologian, artist and activist living in Scotland.