Reepham & Wensum Valley Team Churches - at the Heart of the Community

Words of Light and Hope from Sue Page

Words of Light and Hope from Sue Page LLM

 Preparing to celebrate over the next months 650 years since Julian of Norwich had her showings we pray

God of your goodness, give us Yourself!

For if we ask for anything, which is less

We shall always be in want.

Only in You we have all! Amen


Sometimes He Calls and I do not want to go…!

He called me

But I did not want to go.

I had ‘my faith’ to attend to…..

My own Private Faith

I was devoted to a god

Whom I imagined was like me!

I worshipped that god

My own personal way…..

That’s the way it is with private faith.

And He expected me to give it up when He called:

Give up my private faith and make it public:

Serve God in society and not just in my soul….

I did not want to go

He called us

But we did not want to go.

We did not want our business, our love

Our fortune, our faith

To be infected and affected by His touch

Yet we went….

We gave up everything and lost more….

And we gained the Kingdom of Heaven

John Bell


Thoughts and Words for the many places of  war, violence terror and loss.


The weight of the tears of the world

Is too heavy to bear:

For the cost, and the waste of

Young loves playing out

Old men’s games,

Knowing terror and fear

Never tasted by soldiers of lead.

Forgive us, I fear

That we know very well

What we do

Ann Lewin



A time of disengagement

From routine.

Desert. Emptiness.

Wordless waiting before

The mystery.

Nothing much happened:

No flash of insight,

No resolution of perplexity,

But deep down

Shifting perceptions,

Something understood.

Ann Lewin


Lord, thank you that we are one in Christ Jesus. Help us to live out this reality in our lives.

We pledge to see all people as you see them – worthy,  beloved, made in Your Image. Amen