Reepham & Wensum Valley Team Churches - at the Heart of the Community

Eco Church, Silver Award

Eco Church 

On 24th September St Mary’s Reepham received its Silver Eco Church Award, having finally become a Fair Trade Church and celebrated Fair Trade Fortnight, both at our Café Church, which fell within that time, and by raising a splendid £300 at the Fair Trade Coffee Morning on 21st September. A huge thank you to everyone who came to the Coffee Morning and the many people who made and donated the delicious cakes, you made all the difference. The money was sent to the Fair Trade Foundation to go towards the Fair Trade Premium paid to the farming co-operatives, so that they can use it to help their own communities. Thank you to everyone who contributed to our achieving Silver status, not only with the Fair Trade Coffee Morning but also everyone who helped with the litter pick in the summer, celebrated Earth Hour in March, made the effort to measure your carbon footprint and to recycle your soft plastic. Please keep up the good work as we may well be going for gold, which will mean carrying on with what we have been doing and doing a lot more! We will definitely need your help.

There is good news for small churches that do not have services every week and those without electricity or water: A Rocha have redesigned the Eco Church survey with different pathways for cathedrals and churches that have services every week, and those that do not. This should make the survey more relevant for smaller churches.


Sunday 20th October & 3rd November Café Church is our more informal service starting at 10.30am in St Michael’s. There will be tea, coffee, juice, croissants and muffins, as well as papers to read from 10 o’clock. 

There will be an Autumn Fair on Saturday 16th November in St Michael’s. Donations for the bric a brac stall, home baked cakes & pastries, plants, second hand books, prizes for a raffle and bottles for the tombola would be greatly appreciated, also helpers to run stalls. Please contact Rosie if you can help.