Eco Church, Future plans
Eco Church
At the November PCC meeting it was agreed that as a church we would start on the long journey towards the Gold Eco Church Award. The Eco Church survey has become much more intentional, so the PCC will need to put plans and policies in place which will result in positive action by the whole church to reduce our carbon footprint, part of working towards Net Zero by 2030, as well as helping to restore nature. Creation care is one of the Church of England’s five marks of mission.
Thank you to everyone who donated to or bought from the Autumn Fair. A total of £760 was raised for church funds.
Reepham Christmas Tree Festival in St Mary’s. 10 am – 4.30 pm Wednesday 4th – Saturday 7th December, and 12 noon – 7.30 pm on Sunday 8th December
The 10.30 am Holy Communion Service on 8th December will be in St Mary’s as there is a Craft Fair in St Michael’s that day.
Sunday 15th December & 5th January Café Church is our more informal service starting at 10.30am in St Michael’s. There will be tea, coffee, juice, croissants and muffins, as well as papers to read from 10 o’clock.
Carol Service 15th December 7pm in St Mary’s followed by mince pies and mulled wine in St Michael’s
Christingle making: Monday 23rd December at 2pm in St Michael’s Refreshments and Christmas music to help us on our way. The more helpers the merrier.
Christingle Services: 3pm & 5pm in St Mary’s all are welcome. Stewards will be needed for each service. Please contact Sue Cripps if you can help.