Happy New Year! (Taken from our January 2020 ENewsletter)
Dear all,
As 2020 approaches, many of us will be looking back over the past 12 months and reflecting on the events of 2019. For me it was a year like many others. There were brilliant and exciting parts, new places visited, new friends made as well as times which were painful or difficult to live through with the loss of family members and friends. There have been times when I have felt blessed and grateful and times when I have felt confused or hopeless.
I am, by no means alone in my experiences. We can all think of things which have dominated 2019 for us both personally, in our communities and globally. This can make us feel like 2019 was “the best of times” or “the worst of times” – a book we would love to reread a hundred times or one we would rather leave on the shelf and never open again.
2020 lies before us. The pages are blank and none of us know what will be written within them. However, I will chose to write my words with hope and kindness and be grateful for the new page I am given each day. I will think of those who are struggling with their stories – stories we may not be familiar with and look to treat them with care and compassion. For it is true, we should never judge a book by its cover.
May I, on behalf of the Reepham and Wensum Valley Team of Churches, wish you a happy 2020 filled with love, hope and joy.
Benefice Administrator
Our Enewsletter comes out every month with all the news, services and events from across our 12 churches. If you would like to join the mailing list, please email mailto:parishofficerwv@gmail.com