Reepham & Wensum Valley Team Churches - at the Heart of the Community

Words of Light and Hope from Rev. Canon Peter Halls

A very challenging Litany from

‘My God and My Glory’ by E. Milner White

Keep me, O Lord from the little, the interfering, and the stupid;

from the infection of irritation and anger over nothings;

Deliver me, and keep me, O my Lord

from all the promptings to decry the person or work of others;

from scorn, sarcasm, petty spite and whisperings behind the back;

from the dishonest honest of frankness meant to hurt;

Deliver me, and keep me, O my Lord

from hasty judgments, biased judgments, cruel judgments, and all pleasure in them;

from resentment over disapproval or reproof,   whether just or unjust

Deliver me, and keep me, O my Lord

from all imposition of my own fads and idiosyncrasies upon others;

from self-justification, self-excusing and complacency;

Deliver me, and keep me, O my Lord.


Bless to me, O God;

The earth beneath my feet

Bless to me O God;

The path whereon I go

Bless to me O God,

The thing of my desire;

Thou Evermore of Evermore,

Bless Thou to me my rest
