Reepham & Wensum Valley Team Churches - at the Heart of the Community

Words of Light and Hope from Rev’d Judith Sweetman

Words of Light and Hope from   Rev’d Judith Sweetman


At the joyful occasion of our curate Richard’s ordination as priest last   Saturday, a key theme of the sermon was that, since we are blessed by God in so many ways, above all by his unconditional love, we are all called to bring, and to be, a blessing to others. How appropriate, then, that that the name of one candidate was Blessing! Before we can bring and be a blessing – bringing light, hope, peace, love and justice to our world, it might help to reflect on those blessings we receive from, God.

Denise Treissman (see kindly gave me a book she compiled and edited: “Why pray?” by Robert Llewelyn, former chaplain of the shrine of Julian of Norwich. Included is a poem by Hugh Dickinson, then Dean of Salisbury, encouraging us to see all our life, even the difficult and dark times, as a blessing. I wrestle with that concept, but the idea is not that God wants us to suffer, but that God is with us, even in our pains, You will have your own thoughts about that, but here is the poem for you to ponder:

Lord of all Blessing,

As we walk about your world

Let us know ourselves blessed at   every turn;

Blessed in the autumnal sun and leaves;

Blessed in the winter wind;

Blessed in rain and shafts of sunlight;

Blessed in the moving of stars;

Blessed in the turning of the world beneath our feet;

Blessed in silence;

Blessed in sleep;

Blessed in conversation and the human voice;

Blessed in waiting for the bus or train or traffic lights;

Blessed in music, blessed in singing voices,

blessed in the song of birds;

Blessed in the cry that pierces the heart;

Blessed in the smile of strangers;

Blessed in the touch of love, blessed in laughter;

Blessed in pain, in darkness, in grief;

Blessed in the desert and the frost;

Blessed in waiting for spring;

Blessed in waiting and waiting and waiting.

Lord of all blessing, we bless you.