Reepham & Wensum Valley Team Churches - at the Heart of the Community

Words of Light and Hope from Sue Page LLM

Words of Light and Hope from Sue Page LLM


Seeing God in our World and Through Our Days

You sing, of course you sing, I can hear you

But make sure that your life sings

the same tune as your mouth.

Sing with your voices!

Sing with your lips!

Sing with your lives!

The Singer himself is the Song!

St. Augustine Sermon 34


A Blessing for Summer

May long summer days

speak to you of God’s enduring light.

May bright summer flowers speak to you of God’s unending beauty.

May fresh summer fruits speak to you of God’s continuing kindness.

May warm summer nights speak to you of God’s enfolding comfort.

May early summer dawns speak to you of God’s renewing hope.

Simon Taylor


Prayer is pouring out; sometimes we pray with words,

sometimes with our hands, our  bodies, and our silence,

we pray with joy, sometimes with tears

We pour out the little we have…..and in response God pours out the limitless resources of His love. BRF



Christ in Woolworths

By Teresa Hooley

I did not think to find You there-

Crucifixes, large and small,

Sixpence and three pennies on a tray,

Among the artificial pearls,

Paste rings, tin watches, beads of glass.

It seemed so strange to find You there

Fingered by people coarse and crass,

Who had no reverence at all.

Yet- what is it You would say?

“For these I hang upon my cross,

For these the agony and loss,

Though heedlessly they pass Me by”

Dear Lord, forgive such fools as I

Who thought it strange to find You there.


This is the Christian’s joy:

I know that I am a thought in God,

no matter how insignificant I may be –

the most abandoned of beings,

one no one thinks of.

Today, when we think of Christmas gifts,

how many outcasts no one thinks of!

Think to yourselves, you that are outcast,

you that feel you are nothing in history:

“I know that I am a thought in God

and that I am LOVED!!.”

Oscar Romero