Reepham & Wensum Valley Team Churches - at the Heart of the Community

Words of Light and Hope from Tony Hawes

Words of Light and Hope from Tony Hawes.

And a cloud over-shadowed them, and a voice
came out of the cloud, “This is my beloved Son;
listen to him.”                                                                       Mark 9.7.

Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one
hears my voice and opens the door, I will come
in to him and eat with him, and he with me.                Rev. 3.20.

Lord, Lord, do you hear me?
Lord, show me my door, take me by the hand.
Open the door, show me the way.
The path leading to joy, to light……
I have heard you. I have long been watching
your closed shutters; open them, my light will
come in. I have long been standing at your
locked door, open it, and you will find me on
the threshold……                                                                Michel Quoist.

Invite me into your life moment by moment
and I will be your guide, keeper, teacher, friend,
counsellor, confidant. I will make you a new
creature and sanctify your ways until my thoughts
are your thoughts and your thoughts are mine.
Even in the midst of our communion I will never
violate your freewill to chose your own path,
even if that choice breaks my heart……
There is no darkness that conceals you from me,
or any chains or spells that lock away my
protection, comfort, and love for you.
There is no place you can go where you will not
be within my love. Your spirit and mine are
braided into a new creature. Let me bring forth
that unique and sacred being you were born to be.
Let us be together now and forever.                                    St Aidan Trust, USA.

Loving Lord, let your light shine in our lives,
let its brightness fill our hearts and transfigure us;
that, seeing your glory, we may come to you in
awe and wonder, and gazing upon you be changed
into your likeness, moving from glory to glory.
Amen.                                                                                  David Adam.