Reepham & Wensum Valley Team Churches - at the Heart of the Community

Words of Light and Hope from Sue Page LLM

WORDS OF LIGHT AND HOPE   Sunday June 23 rd 2024    Trinity 4    Sue Page LLM

A Prayer for those who are ‘Older’                                                                                                                                                                                            Timeless God, who declares Grey hair to be a crown of splendour: And whose gift of long-life can produce a heart of wisdom, Forgive us for the sin of ageism That disrespects the elderly among us And ignores their vital contribution to a healthy society. May we humbly receive the gifts of older people


“All that is Made! tt is all that is made.!’ That’s Julian, in Norwich,  Tripping on a hazelnut in her 14th-century grip. My trip is this teabag, giving up its love  This perforated planet, in my steaming mug Onward flight in the dark of compost bin, With potato peel, onion and banana skin From Sri Lanka or Kenya, this leafy supernova Here in my kitchen, this miraculous stopover The quiet humus of mineralisation, Organic breakdown, mostly just waiting, How earth flavours and fires this life every day, I get it, Julian, this teabag, how it’s all that is made                  From Iona

Hungry to Learn                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Everyone belongs to God, Our gospel has been too small. It is, indeed, too small a thing to think that the hope of the world rests in our ability to recruit others into a religion which has too often made us morally worse. To confess that the hope of the world is Jesus Christ is to open ourselves to a kingdom beyond our control – beyond our imagination, even. It is to embrace the revolutionary notion that everyone belongs to God. You must stand up and represent the gospel of the kingdom that shines for all people, no matter who they are.

Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove   Our whole being pants for solitude, for silence. For at sometime or another, we have all tasted what silence is and we have not forgotten the fruit of such hours. Being  silent in God’s presence requires work and practice. It takes daily energy to delight in God’s love. It is home, where it finds rest. We will be overwhelmed by the riches which will flow from these hours.                                       Dietrich Bonhoeffer 20th Cent

Mother Teresa said…                                                                                                                                                                                                                           God has created us to love and be loved, And that is the beginning of prayer….to know that he loves me…that I have been created for greater things                                                           Amen.