Reepham & Wensum Valley Team Churches - at the Heart of the Community


When you need help or someone to speak to.


The care and protection of children, young people and adults involved in Church activities is the responsibility of everyone who participates in the life of the Church.

We understand that talking to someone about abuse can be difficult and distressing, but our Child Protection Officers and Vulnerable Adult Protection Officers are here to help you.

If you are concerned that someone you know is at risk of, or is being abused, or presents a risk to others, please seek advice from our Safeguarding Officers or if necessary Adult Social Services (0344 8008020), Children’s Advice and Duty Service (CADS) (0344 8008020) or the Police (101). In an emergency, always call 999.

Below are details of who you can contact in each parish as well as links to other organisations who can assist you.

Child Protection Officers, responsible for the safeguarding of children.

Reepham, Salle, Thurning and Wood Dalling

Rachel Richmond, Tel: 01603 871000  Email:

Alderford, Attlebridge

Virginia Furness, Tel: 01603 860786  Email:

Great Witchingham, Little Witchingham

Kirsty Gray, Tel: 01603 871623  Email:


Pam Smith, Email:

Weston Longville

Kirsty Gray, Tel: 01603 871623  Email:

Bylaugh, Elsing, Lyng and Sparham

Joy Kiddell, Email:

Helena Riches, Email:

Vulnerable Adult Protection Officers, responsible for safeguarding vulnerable adults

Reepham, Thurning and Wood Dalling

Susie Hall, Tel: 01603 879194   Email:


Ruth Fry, Tel: 01603 544624

Alderford, Attlebridge 

Virginia Furness, Tel: 01603 860786  Email:

Great Witchingham, Little Witchingham

Kirsty Gray, Tel: 01603 871623  Email:


Pam Smith, Email:

Weston Longville

Kirsty Gray, Tel: 01603 871623  Email:

Bylaugh, Elsing, Lyng and Sparham

Joy Kiddell, Email:

Helena Riches, Email:

Please see our Policies and Documents page for further Safeguarding policies and procedures.

Diocese of Norwich Safeguarding information can be found here:

Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor: Sue Brice, Tel: 07958 377079 Email:

The Church of England Safeguarding information can be found here:

Other people who can help:


You can talk to us about anything, no problem is too big or too small. Childline is open to all children and young people. Call free on 0800 1111 or visit the website here

NSPCC Child Protection Helpline:

If you are concerned about a child, call 0808 800 5000 (lines are free and open 24 hours).

Action on Elder Abuse Helpline:

Free, confidential advice is available to elderly people and their families. Call 080 8808 8141 (lines are open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)

Leeway Domestic Abuse and Violence Services

Free, confidential advice and support for women, men, children and parents in abusive relationships. Based in Norfolk, lines are open 24 hours a day 0300 561 0077 or email


If you are struggling to cope or need someone to talk to call 116123. Lines are free, confidential and open 24 hours a day.